
  武汉理工大学材料学科首席教授,博士生导师,武汉理工大学材料科学与工程试点学院执行院长,国家杰出青年基金获得者,先后在中国科学院外籍院士美国佐治亚理工学院王中林教授课题组、美国科学院院士哈佛大学CM Lieber教授课题组从事博士后、高级研究学者研究。
  长期从事纳米能源材料与器件研究,设计组装了国际上第一个单根纳米线全固态电化学储能器件,揭示了纳米线电极容量衰减的内在规律,取得了多项创新性成果。发表SCI论文160余篇,其中包括Nature Nanotechnol, Nature Commun, Chem Rev, Adv Mater, PNAS, J Am Chem Soc, Nano Lett 等50余篇。16篇论文被选为期刊封面,或被Science、Nature Nanotechnol、NPG Asia Mater、Nanowerk等期刊和专业网站引用或专题报道。主持国家重大基础研究计划课题、国家国际科技合作专项、国家自然科学基金等30余项科研项目。获中国青年科技奖、光华工程科技奖(青年奖)、湖北省自然科学一等奖、Nanoscience Research Leader奖、入选“百千万人才工程计划”及国家“万人计划”领军人才,并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号。培养了受习近平总书记亲切接见、中国青少年科技创新奖获得者赵云龙等一批优秀学生。现任国际刊物Wiley出版集团旗下Adv. Electronic Mater.国际编委,Nano Research以及Science China Materials编委。
演讲题目:Graphene-Induced One-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy Storage

One-Dimensional nanomaterials with large surface area, more surface active sites and better permeability can significantly increase the energy density, power density and cycling performance for the energy storage. Such hierarchical structure can also be used as targeted intracellular recording for its facile synthesis route. In our present work, a series of hierarchical nanomaterials have been obtained, including kinked hierarchical nanowires, hierarchical heterostructured nanowires and hierarchical scrolled nanowires which shows great electrochemical performance.
To improve the electrochemical performance, V3O7 nanowire templated semi-hollow bicontinous graphene scrolls architecture is designed and constructed through “oriented assembly” and “self-scroll” strategy. The V3O7 nanowire templated semi-hollow bicontinous graphene scrolls with interior cavities provide continuous electron and lithium ion transfer channel and space for free volume expansion of V3O7 nanowires during cycling, thus representing a unique architecture for excellent lithium ion storage capacity and cycling performance.1 In order to realize the fast and efficient transport of ions/electrons and the stable structure during the charge/discharge process, hierarchical porous Fe3O4/graphene nanowires supported by amorphous vanadium oxide matrixes have been rationally synthesized through a facile phase separation process. The porous structure is directly in situ constructed from the FeVO4·1.1H2O@graphene nanowires along with the crystallization of Fe3O4 and the amorphization of vanadium oxide without using any hard templates. The hierarchical porous Fe3O4/VOx/graphene nanowires exhibit a high Coulombic efficiency and outstanding reversible specific capacity (1146 mAh g-1). Even at the high current density of 5 A g-1, the porous nanowires maintain a reversible capacity of ∼500 mAh g-1. Our work presented here can inspire new thought in constructing novel one-dimensional structures and accelerate the development of energy storage appilications.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号



  武汉理工大学材料学科首席教授,博士生导师,武汉理工大学材料科学与工程试点学院执行院长,国家杰出青年基金获得者,先后在中国科学院外籍院士美国佐治亚理工学院王中林教授课题组、美国科学院院士哈佛大学CM Lieber教授课题组从事博士后、高级研究学者研究。
  长期从事纳米能源材料与器件研究,设计组装了国际上第一个单根纳米线全固态电化学储能器件,揭示了纳米线电极容量衰减的内在规律,取得了多项创新性成果。发表SCI论文160余篇,其中包括Nature Nanotechnol, Nature Commun, Chem Rev, Adv Mater, PNAS, J Am Chem Soc, Nano Lett 等50余篇。16篇论文被选为期刊封面,或被Science、Nature Nanotechnol、NPG Asia Mater、Nanowerk等期刊和专业网站引用或专题报道。主持国家重大基础研究计划课题、国家国际科技合作专项、国家自然科学基金等30余项科研项目。获中国青年科技奖、光华工程科技奖(青年奖)、湖北省自然科学一等奖、Nanoscience Research Leader奖、入选“百千万人才工程计划”及国家“万人计划”领军人才,并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号。培养了受习近平总书记亲切接见、中国青少年科技创新奖获得者赵云龙等一批优秀学生。现任国际刊物Wiley出版集团旗下Adv. Electronic Mater.国际编委,Nano Research以及Science China Materials编委。
演讲题目:Graphene-Induced One-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy Storage

One-Dimensional nanomaterials with large surface area, more surface active sites and better permeability can significantly increase the energy density, power density and cycling performance for the energy storage. Such hierarchical structure can also be used as targeted intracellular recording for its facile synthesis route. In our present work, a series of hierarchical nanomaterials have been obtained, including kinked hierarchical nanowires, hierarchical heterostructured nanowires and hierarchical scrolled nanowires which shows great electrochemical performance.
To improve the electrochemical performance, V3O7 nanowire templated semi-hollow bicontinous graphene scrolls architecture is designed and constructed through “oriented assembly” and “self-scroll” strategy. The V3O7 nanowire templated semi-hollow bicontinous graphene scrolls with interior cavities provide continuous electron and lithium ion transfer channel and space for free volume expansion of V3O7 nanowires during cycling, thus representing a unique architecture for excellent lithium ion storage capacity and cycling performance.1 In order to realize the fast and efficient transport of ions/electrons and the stable structure during the charge/discharge process, hierarchical porous Fe3O4/graphene nanowires supported by amorphous vanadium oxide matrixes have been rationally synthesized through a facile phase separation process. The porous structure is directly in situ constructed from the FeVO4·1.1H2O@graphene nanowires along with the crystallization of Fe3O4 and the amorphization of vanadium oxide without using any hard templates. The hierarchical porous Fe3O4/VOx/graphene nanowires exhibit a high Coulombic efficiency and outstanding reversible specific capacity (1146 mAh g-1). Even at the high current density of 5 A g-1, the porous nanowires maintain a reversible capacity of ∼500 mAh g-1. Our work presented here can inspire new thought in constructing novel one-dimensional structures and accelerate the development of energy storage appilications.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号